I had a rather spectacular stroke of luck here in that the game gave me some superb rolls after only seven or eight attempts. A sign of favour, I think, and a good omen for things to come.
Here's a screenshot of the original, unmodified rolls:
For those too lazy to do the maths, this works out at a whopping 90 points, which I think will be more than enough.
With these rolls I am able to put four 18s into the stats that are really going to matter; Strength, Dexterity, Constitution and Intelligence.
This leaves Wisdom and Charisma.
Now, Wisdom is almost useless to me because I'm not a divine spellcaster. It does, however, come into play for the Wish spells. While this hardly makes it an important stat compared to the other four, it does make it more important than Charisma.
Putting any points whatsoever in Charisma is rendered pointless by the simple fact that the Ring of Human Influence exists and can be easily obtained as soon as you're going to start needing it, which I'm sure we're all well aware of. Therefore, safe in the knowledge that there is a readily available item of jewellry out there that will make me much, much sexier, I do what any self-respecting future mage would do and drop my Charisma to the minimum of 3. This leaves me with enough points to bump my Wisdom up to 15.
So currently, Vespero's stats sit at 18/63, 18, 18, 18, 15, 3.
However, these will not be his final stats. Since we're "importing" from the first game, we're going to assume that we got all the stat-boosting tomes and gave them to Vespero, which I always do anyway if I'm going to take a character through the trilogy. I like to think long-term.
To my knowledge, there is one of each type of tome available except for the Wisdom tome, of which there are three up for grabs. Yes, three. So, finalised, our stats will be 19, 19, 19, 19, 18, 4, making Vespero both physically and intellectually superhuman as any protagonist should be...and slightly less unappealing. Not that that matters because Ring of Human Influence hurrr.
So, we're going to export him and modify his stats appropriately, as well changing his starting XP to 125000, the cap for BG:TOTSC.
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