I’d forgotten how much it sucks to buy stuff without the full reputation discount. We did speak to the guard outside the tent letting him know that we’d solved the problem in there to get a rep boost of 1, so I think we’re getting a small one. Nevertheless, those scrolls just about cleaned me out.
Later on, when I have more gold than I will ever need, I will look back on this moment and laugh, but right now I am not best pleased.
We haven’t spent so much that we’ve screwed ourselves out of a place to sleep for the night, however, so it’s off to the Mithrest to memorise and cast Find Familiar.
At this juncture, I find myself wishing that I’d done the honest thing and set Vespero’s alignment to Chaotic Evil. Starting reputation be damned; he should have a Quasit familiar, not one of these nauseatingly cute little pseudo-dragons.
“Ooh! Do you have an apple, master? Apples are so good. And pie. I like pie too, master. Can we play a game, master? You’re so good to me, master. I wub you soooo much.”
Christ. It’d almost be worth waiting until the Hell trials so that I can turn evil first.
We rest again after this, both to replace Find Familiar with Shield, and because it’s safer to travel during daylight hours. That, and I don’t think the potion lady we’ll be looking for comes out at night; which is odd, because her name is Mrs. Cragmoon and she an old woman who calls you “dear” and she sells a variety of alchemical concoctions. She’s so obviously a witch it isn’t funny. She weighs less than a duck. She turned me into a newt. You wouldn’t think she’d balk at the notion of a moonlit evening, and nobody *else* disappears at night. She’s obviously hiding something.
Not that we care, of course. All we want is her smart juice.
In any event, with my characters kicking back for now at the Mithrest, I think it’s about time that I took a break myself. Tomorrow we leave the Promenade and commence Chapter 2 proper.
This is Lorph Halys, and you’ve been reading Baldur’s Gate: The Zero Reload Saga. Thank you, and goodnight.
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